Dictation Best Practice | Dictate-IT

Swift-Dictation Best Practice

  • Try to dictate in a quiet environment
  • Dictate slowly, precisely, concisely and clearly
  • Dictate typical medical speech, as the speech engine is optimised for UK medical speech
  • There is a limit of 30 minutes on a single audio recording, ensure that your dictation does not exceed the limit. Alternatively, you can upload a number of smaller audio files
  • Dictate numbers clearly: use a digit at a time. For example, do not use 40 (forty), 50 (fifty) or 90 (ninety). For 0, say “zero”
  • Remember whatever you say will form part of your draft letter
  • Ensure your dictation begins with the following mandatory information: Patient’s name, patient’s NHS number and Date of Birth

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