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Secretaries: Irish and Private Practice

Overview of the Swift workflow


  • Author dictates letter via web portal (or app)
  • Letters automatically uploaded & speech recognised
  • Audio & speech-recognised-text available to secretarial team to review & edit
  • Secretarial team copy and paste text into usual letter process (Word, Clinical System, etc.)
  • Author review process carried out in the usual way i.e. not via the Swift web portal



Get started with the Swift web portal


  • If you want to use a foot pedal, on any PC you would like to work from, Swift ‘USB Broker’ desktop application must be running on your desktop. If you don’t have this installed on your PC, please ask your IT team to install it for you or contact your PM at the practice.
  • Go to the Swift web portal using Edge or Chrome https://pub.dictateswift.co.uk
  • Enter your login details as provided by Dictate IT
  • Login to the web portal


Swift desktop logon screen



The ‘In Progress’ letter list


Swift desktop app in progress screen


  • Once an author has dictated a letter, it is automatically uploaded to the platform and available for you to review in the ‘In Progress’ list
  • Authors can optionally also see this list BUT they are told not to edit the letters or change their status


Swift desktop app screenshot of the In Progress screen. The top letter is greyed out with status of 'Processing'


  • You can filter and search the list using the controls at the top. Your selection is retained between visits to the portal
  • Hospital number is optional for authors to add, you can also add it if you’d like
  • Your organisation may not have any labels setup
  • Some columns can be hidden if not relevant (Hosp. No./Label)
  • Jobs will usually take less than 1 minute between upload and being ready for you to review
  • The list is sorted with most urgent and oldest jobs at the top
  • If a job has been at ‘audio capture’ for a long time, this may indicate the author has forgotten to press ‘Complete’
  • Jobs being looked at by other users are locked from editing. The user’s name is shown in the ‘padlock’ column. You can alternatively lock a letter for when you leave your computer to indicate you will be working on the letter. This can be done by clicking on the Lock button.



The letter page


Swift desktop app screenshot of the letter page

  • The speech recognition draft MUST be reviewed against the dictated audio
  • Double check the patient identifiers have been recognized correctly
  • The speech recognition is verbatim so will include any mistakes made by the author, and not include punctuation unless they dictate it
  • Play the audio using the buttons, keyboard shortcuts or a foot pedal (if plugged in and the ‘Integration Broker’ is running)



Speech draft text



  • The speech recognition should be very accurate (95-99%) BUT there will be errors in most drafts
  • Audio & dictation quality has the biggest impact on recognition quality
  • If there are words that ALWAYS recognize or format incorrectly, let us know at support@dictate.it
  • Once you are happy with your text edits, copy the text and paste into the letter ‘destination’ (Word, SystemOne, etc.)
  • Click ‘Complete’ once you have finished – this will move the job to the ‘Completed’ list





Swift desktop app screenshot of rewind / play / fast forward controls


Swift desktop app screenshot of complete / lock / see original SR / Print / letter history / edit notes / delete actions


You can edit;

  • Hospital No. (or leave blank)
  • Label (if setup for your department)
  • Job priority


You can also:

  • Change the playback speed
  • Lock the letter (it does this automatically as well while you are viewing it)
  • View the original speech draft (See original SR under ‘More actions’)
  • View the letter history
  • Add Notes (this will add a note to the letter which can also be deleted later on – such as ‘Please attach xyz to the final letter.’)



The ‘Completed’ letter list


Swift desktop app screenshot of 2 completed jobs


  • Completed jobs are available in Swift for 6 months after the completed date – letters outside of that will be archived
  • If a letter is greyed out in this list, it means that it has been deleted at the dictation stage and as such cannot be retrieved
  • The list is sorted with most recently completed at the top


Swift desktop app screenshot of the letter view with the error message 'Completed jobs cannot be edited. To edit the job, move it back 'To Review' stage by clicking 'UN-complete'


  • Completed jobs can be Uncompleted if need be
  • The ‘Job History’ function shows you who completed the job

Authors: Primary Care (integrated and non-integrated)

Overview of the Swift workflow


  1. Author dictates letter via web portal (or app)
  2. Letters automatically uploaded & speech recognised
  3. Audio & speech-recognised-text available to secretarial team to review & edit
  4. Secretarial team copy and paste text into usual letter process (Word, Clinical System, etc)
  5. Author review process carried out in the usual way i.e. not via the Swift web portal


Get started dictating via the Swift mobile app


  1. Download the Swift app from the App or Play store
  2. Enter your login details provided by Dictate IT
  3. Login to the app
  4. We strongly recommend enabling fingerprint or face login as this makes use of the app much easier
  5. Follow the PIN verification process (a PIN will be emailed to you)
  6. If using integration with EMIS/SystemOne, first, select the patient you would like to dictate against on your computer
  7. Start dictating



Swift mobile app screenshot of recent dictationsSwift mobile app screenshot of a new dictation

  • Tap the ‘New’ button
  • If using integration with EMIS/SystemOne; make sure the patient details are open on your screen first and confirm their details on the mobile screen
  • Tap the red record button
  • Start the dictation with; patient name, DoB and NHS number
  • Set a job priority
  • Check the department is correct (if applicable)
  • OPTIONALLY chose a ‘Label’ (if enabled for your dept)
  • OPTIONALLY type NHS number
  • Leave the ‘Notifications to’ setting on the default
  • Tap ‘Complete’ when finished


You can listen back to the audio, and edit if desired


Please note


Screenshot of Swift mobile app that asks the user to cancel or delete their dictation

  • You must wait for the job to finish uploading before closing the app
  • Dictate one patient per job – not a whole clinic
  • We recommend keeping dictations below 20 minutes long
  • If your Wi-Fi is poor, switch to mobile data (it uses very little data)
  • Using face or fingerprint login (biometry) makes it much easier to use the app
  • No data is stored on the mobile


Any problems contact support@dictate.it.

Authors: Irish and Private Practice Users

Overview of the Swift workflow 


  1. Author dictates letter via web portal (or app)  
  2. Letter s automatically uploaded & speech recognised  
  3. Audio & speech-recognised-text available to secretarial team to review & edit  
  4. Secretarial team copy and paste text into usual letter process (Word, Clinical System, etc)  
  5. Author review process carried out in the usual way i.e. not via the Swift web portal 



Get started dictating via the Swift mobile app 


  1. Download the Swift app from the App or Play store 
  2. Enter your login details provided by Dictate IT 
  3. Login to the app 
  4. We strongly recommend enabling fingerprint or face login as this makes use of the app much easier 
  5. Follow the PIN verification process (a PIN will be emailed to you) 
  6. Start dictating 



Swift mobile app screenshot of recent dictationsSwift mobile app screenshot of a new dictation

  • Tap the ‘New’ button
  • Tap the red record button
  • Start the dictation with; patient name, DoB and NHS number
  • Set a job priority
  • Check the department is correct (if applicable)
  • OPTIONALLY chose a ‘Label’ (if enabled for your dept)
  • OPTIONALLY type Hospital number
  • Leave the ‘Notifications to’ setting on the default
  • Tap ‘Complete’ when finished


You can also listen back to the audio, and edit if desired with the Insert/Overwrite buttons


Please note


Screenshot of Swift mobile app that asks the user to cancel or delete their dictation

  • You must wait for the job to finish uploading before closing the app
  • Dictate one patient per job – not a whole clinic
  • We recommend keeping dictations below 20 minutes long
  • If your Wi-Fi is poor, switch to mobile data (it uses very little data)
  • Using face or fingerprint login (biometry) makes it much easier to use the app
  • No data is stored on the mobile


Any problems contact support@dictate.it.

Customer Reports

There are currently 5 reports available to ‘full Swift’ customers, i.e. customers where the dictations are recorded via Swift and then also reviewed by secretaries in the Swift web portal. If you would like these enabled for you, or have suggestions for changes or additional reports, please contact support@dictate.it. The reports will be emailed to you and it is best to download and open in Excel, as Outlook’s preview method can make some features unavailable.


1 Operational report


Runs daily.


Tells you the number of jobs awaiting secretary review per author, giving you a backlog size and age per author.


Authors with the oldest letters at secretary review stage are sorted to the top.


Screenshot of Operational Reports from Swift


2 Performance report


Runs weekly covering the previous 7 days.


Tells you:

  • The number of jobs dictated per author within the last 7 days ‘Uploaded’
  • The number of jobs ‘Completed’ i.e. with their review marked as complete – usually by a secretary. N.b. as Swift is not a full dictation workflow, ‘Completed’ does not mean distributed. These will usually be jobs dictated from an earlier period
  • The mean average turnaround time (i.e. time at review stage in swift) for the jobs completed in the period


Screenshot of Performance Reports from Swift


3 Secretary Productivity


Runs weekly covering the previous 7 days.


Tells you the number of jobs with Review completed per secretary within the last 7 days, and the total audio duration of those jobs.


Important to remember:

  • The secretary that completed a job might not be the one that worked on it
  • Audio duration is a better metric for quantity than number of jobs
  • Some jobs may be harder than others e.g. due to poor sound quality


Screenshot of Productivity Reports from Swift


4 Users report


Runs weekly.


Tells you when each user last logged in to the Swift mobile app or web portal. Sorted by name.


Screenshot of Users Reports from Swift


5 Usage report


Runs weekly.


Tells you how many times each user logged in within the last week and how many letters dictated ‘Letter count’. Sorted by name.


Screenshot of Usage Reports from Swift

Recording Tips

Don’t unplug the microphone during recording

If you do there is the risk of audio loss. If you mistakenly unplug the microphone, re-plug it and double-check your audio before completing the job.

Don’t close the browser before you complete the job

If you close the browser before completing the job, your audio will be lost as it is not continually saved to the server during recording.

If your internet connection drops during recording

Do not close your browser or restart your machine. Wait for the internet connection to re-establish and then continue the recording.

If you leave the browser or get logged out before completing the job

Do not close your browser or restart your machine. Instead:

  1. Log back into the website
  2. Click on ‘new letter’
  3. Review the job
  4. Press ‘Complete’

Install Mobile App

1. Download and install the Swift application from the App or Play Store (search ‘Dictate Swift’)

Screenshot from the App Store of Dictate Swift

2. Login using your credentials

3. Follow the steps to verify your account on a new device

4. An email will be sent to your email account containing your verification code

5. Enter the verification code into the Dictate Swift app

Speech Recognition Best Practice

Below are some basic tips to consider when dictating to ensure you get the best recognition results.

  • When testing the service, use realistic UK medical speech. There’s no need to use phrases like “testing, testing” or “1, 2, 3”.
  • Speak at your normal pace.
  • Speak in full sentences or paragraphs, as you would do during normal dictation.
  • Include punctuation in your dictation (i.e., full stop, comma, new line).
  • If using the mobile app, you can hold your phone in front of you or put it down on a table. Either way we recommend being within 1m of your phone for best recognition. The volume indicator will show if speech is being picked up.
  • When pausing for a long time (e.g., over 10 seconds) press the ‘stop’ button in the recording app, then the ‘record’ button to resume, as you would do if using a traditional recorder.
  • Minimise background noise
  • Speak clearly and face the microphone or mobile device. You should be able to speak quickly and still have good recognition if you speak clearly.
  • You may find it easier to look away from the screen as your dictation is being displayed in real time – it can be distracting. You will be able to go back and amend any area of the text after you’ve finished dictating.
  • If you do choose to look at the screen, you may find that the desktop does not display the text immediately but has a delay of a second or two. You do not need to wait for the text to display on the desktop to keep dictating.
  • Your application icon will be red when not recording:
  • Your application icon will be green when recording:

Email Notifications

You might have received an email containing a link to the letter for review. Clicking on the link within the email will take you directly to the letter editing page as well.


Please note if you weren’t previously logged in onto the web platform, you will then be taken to the login page. Once your credentials have been entered you will be automatically redirected to the


Completed Letters

You can access completed letters by navigating to the “completed” icon on the left hand panel.


From there you have the ability to view letters marked as completed and replay the audio file.


You can filter the view using the search options at the top of the menu, such as looking letters from a certain clinic date using the “Recorded on” function.


Editing Letters

In the review stage, you can:

  • Listen back to the audio file and make any corrections, including validating the patient details
  • Click on ’Copy text’ or use the shortcut ‘Ctrl+C’
  • Open the location you would like to copy the letter into, e.g. letter template, clinical system
  • Paste the text of the letter using the right-click ‘Paste’ option or using the shortcut ‘Ctrl+V’
  • Go back to Dictate Swift and ‘Complete’ dictation. This will ensure your worklist is kept clear and up-to-date, as well as avoid duplication