Swift Archives | Dictate-IT

EMIS Configuration

The EMIS configuration enables Swift to extract basic patient details (name, DOB) from EMIS. When a user dictates using Swift, the patient details are automatically pulled across. This means that the dictated text is clearly assigned to a patient when it is then distributed by the secretaries.


Step 1 – Configure the API users

Click the ‘EMIS’ icon in the top left corner, then select ‘System Tools’, then ‘EMAS Manager’.

EMAS Manager


Step 2

Select ‘Partner API’ in the bottom left corner, then select ‘Dictate Swift’ from the list of ‘Partner API’.


Click ‘Activate Application’ in the top left corner, ensuring that ‘Dictate Swift’ is still selected from the ‘Partner API’ list.

EMIS Activate App


Step 3

Select ‘Login Access’, ensuring that Dictate Swift is still selected from the ‘Partner API’ list.

EMIS Login Access


Locate ‘API, DictateIT (Mr)’ in the list of users shown. Tick ‘Auto Login’ and ‘Allow Login’, then press ‘OK’.

EMIS app login access


Click ‘Login Access’ again and find all users that are going to be using Dictate Swift. Tick ‘Auto Login’ and ‘Allow Login’ for each user, then press ‘OK’.


Step 4

Each computer that will use the integration will need to be logged in to the Swift integration broker with the user’s Swift login details. Enter them and click ‘Login’.


Once logged into the Swift integration broker an EMIS login window will appear, log in here with the EMIS login details of an account that was given access in step 3 and click ‘Activate Product’.


Once logged in this message will pop up to confirm that the integration is set up on that computer.



If any new Swift users are added at a later date, please ensure that steps 3 & 4 are repeated for these users to allow them to connect to EMIS.


If you experience connection issues please check that the configuration is correct and the user has Auto Login and Allow Login ticked.

Getting Started: Web-Based Dictation – Primary Care

Please click here for instructions if you are at an Irish or a private practice.


To dictate letters via a desktop microphone using Swift, the integration broker must be installed on your desktop PC. Click here to download. The integration broker is a small piece of software that simply allows Swift to talk to your clinical system. Click here to download and follow the on screen instructions. Once installed, a pop-up will appear asking for your Swift login credentials – log in using your Swift username and password. To start dictating, please go to the web portal at https://dictateswift.co.uk/#/login.


1. Log in to the web-based portal


Swift desktop logon screen


2. To create a New letter, please click on the ‘New Letter’ tab


Swift Audio Capture


3. Click the red icon to start recording. When your letter is being dictated, it will show in the secretarial team’s portal with the status ‘audio capture’. Watch the volume indicator to ensure your speech is being picked up.


Swift Audio capture


4. Click the red icon to stop recording.

Top tip!
You can review the recording using the audio controls. Audio can be edited using the Insert (insert dictation without removing anything that has been previously dictated) and Overwrite (overwrite all or parts of the dictation) controls if need be.
Insert overwrite

Once you have finished the dictation, please select the correct priority (2WW, Urgent and routine). 2WW and Urgent will be marked as red and will sit at the top of the queue for the secretaries.


You can also add the patient’s NHS number into the NHS Number field if needed.


5. Click the ‘Complete’ button. Once completed, your letter will show in the secretarial team’s portal within the ‘In Progress’ list. The letter will initially show with the status ‘Processing’. When the text has been transcribed, the letter status will change to ‘ To review’.


Complete Discard


6. If you do not require your letter to be reviewed and distributed by the secretarial team – for example if you have created a letter as a test or in error – select the ‘discard’ button at this stage instead of ‘complete’.

Getting Started: Web-Based Dictation – Irish and Private Practices

Please click here for instructions if you are at a UK-based GP practice.


To dictate letters via a desktop microphone using Swift, the device broker must be installed on your desktop PC. The device broker is a small piece of software that helps Swift to access your microphones and footpedals. Please download it from here and follow the on-screen instructions. Once installed, no further action is required. To start dictating, please go to the web portal at https://pub.dictateswift.co.uk/#/login.


1. Log in to the web-based portal


Swift desktop logon screen


2. To create a New letter, please click on the ‘New Letter’ tab


Swift Audio Capture


3. Click the red icon to start recording. When your letter is being dictated, it will show in the secretarial team’s portal with the status ‘audio capture’. Watch the volume indicator to ensure your speech is being picked up.


Swift Audio capture


4. Click the red icon to stop recording.

Top tip!
You can review the recording using the audio controls. Audio can be edited using the Insert (insert dictation without removing anything that has been previously dictated) and Overwrite (overwrite all or parts of the dictation) controls if need be.
Insert overwrite

Once you have finished the dictation, please select the correct priority (2WW, Urgent and Normal). 2WW and Urgent will be marked as red and will sit at the top of the queue for the secretaries.


You can also add the patient’s MRN number into the MRN number field if needed.


5. Click the ‘Complete’ button. Once completed, your letter will show in the secretarial team’s portal within the ‘In Progress’ list. The letter will initially show with the status ‘Processing’. When the text has been transcribed, the letter status will change to ‘ To review’.


Complete Discard


6. If you do not require your letter to be reviewed and distributed by the secretarial team – for example if you have created a letter as a test or in error – select the ‘discard’ button at this stage instead of ‘complete’.

Voice Commands

Voice commands


Voice commands for common punctuation and formatting:

  • Full stop
  • Comma
  • New line
  • New paragraph
  • ‘Colon’ must be dictated as “double point” as ‘colon’ is a medical term
  • Question mark
  • Exclamation mark
  • Open bracket, close bracket
  • Open quote, close quote
  • Hyphen
  • Dot dot dot
  • Over = /
  • Next bullet


Numbered Lists


To dictate numbered lists, use the command ‘number one’ then ‘number two’ etc for subsequent items.


For example, saying:


“diagnoses number one hypertension number two glaucoma number three diabetes new paragraph thankyou for referring this 47 year old gentleman”


Will be displayed as:



  1. Hypertension
  2. Glaucoma
  3. Diabetes


Thank you for referring this 47 year old gentleman


You can also instead dictate subsequent items using the command ‘next number’ e.g.


“diagnoses number one hypertension next number glaucoma next number diabetes“


For MS Word users


If you have auto-numbering turned on you should use slightly different voice commands:


“diagnoses number one hypertension new line glaucoma new line diabetes new paragraph thank you for referring this 47 year old gentleman”


Goes to:



1.   Hypertension

2.   Glaucoma

3.   Diabetes


Thank you for referring this 47 year old gentleman

Install Desktop App to Connect Your Clinical System (EMIS / SystmOne)

Click here to install the Swift integration broker. The integration broker will need to be installed for all members of the clinical and secretarial team. The broker will run in the background and allows integration between Swift and your clinical system.
Click ‘Install’.


Swift integration broker


Click on the ‘Install’ button to download the integration broker. Once downloaded, click on the downloaded item (setup.exe) and follow the on-screen guidance to complete the installation; the exact steps may vary depending on the web browser you use to download.


When installed, the below icon will appear on the desktop.



Please note that the Swift portal cannot be accessed from this icon.


After installation is completed, a pop-up box will appear and ask for username and password.
Input your unique Swift login credentials, as provided by Dictate IT.


Screenshot of the integration broker version of the Swift login screen

Dictation Troubleshooting

Ensure you are dictating medical language

As our speech engine is optimised for UK medical speech, you should see 99% accuracy for the creation of medical text. Other language, such as places or names, may be less accurate.

Click here to view tips and tricks for speech recognition


Check the microphone is plugged in

You will see a volume indicator when dictating – if this doesn’t show then there may be an issue with the microphone. Check the connection between the device and your computer and/or restart the machine.


Check the correct recording device is selected

We recommend using a headset, wired microphone or the mobile app. Laptop microphones are often low quality and can pick up background noise, which can impact recognition.


Check the microphone is not muted

Your microphone may be muted in Windows, or via a laptop key, etc. This can be checked via your computer settings.


Check the internet connection

Check that you are connected to the internet. If dictating via WiFi or 4G/5G, ensure there are no weak spots within the area in which you are dictating. If your internet connection drops during recording, do not close your browser, or restart your machine. Wait for the internet connection to re-establish and then continue the recording.


Ensure that the Integration Broker/Device Broker is installed and running

When creating a new letter, the ‘Rec’ icon will be grey if the broker is not installed. Please refer to the below articles on how to install and open and the process will also depend on your organisation.

UK GP Practice 

Irish/Private Practices


Ask for help

If the poor recognition still occurs despite following the above guidance, please contact us and provide examples. Please advise the date and time at which the misrecognition occurred, so our technical team can investigate.

Foot Pedal Troubleshooting

Swift supports Infinity and Olympus foot pedals. To use foot pedals, you will require the install of a desktop application, which should have already been completed by your IT team.


Any problems, please contact support@dictate.it.


Ensure that the Integration Broker/Device Broker is installed and running:

UK GP Practice

Irish/Private Practices


  • With the foot pedal plugged in, open the Swift website, and try to play job audio using the foot pedal. You should see a green tick under the audio player saying the foot pedal can be used:



  • You can edit the pedal settings via the Swift website:
    1. Go to ‘Settings’, then Foot pedal
    2. You may find you need to first set each dropdown to ‘none’, then set the dropdowns to the desired values.






Check that the integration broker/device broker is running

If you are not currently logged into the broker, the foot pedal will not work with Swift. Please open Dictate.IT Swift / Swift USB device support from the desktop and check again.


Check the foot pedals are connected

If the foot pedals are being recognised by Swift, a green tick will show under the audio player.
Foot pedal available

If the green tick doesn’t show, ensure the foot pedals are plugged in properly. Please note that only Infinity / Olympus foot pedals can be used with Swift.


Check the foot pedals are assigned the correct functions

If the foot pedals are recognised but are not performing the correct functions, open the Swift Settings menu, then select ‘foot pedal’.

Change all values to ‘None’, log out and log back in and change them to the desired settings and then test it again with a couple of letters.


Check the foot pedals function with all systems

If your foot pedals work with Swift but no longer work with other systems, restart your PC. The foot pedals should then work with all applications.

Forgotten Password



If you’ve forgotten your password, you can follow these steps to reset it:


  1. Open the web-based portal, then click the ‘Forgot your password?’ button.



  1. Enter the username linked to your account



  1. Follow the instructions in the email you then receive




  1. Open mobile app, then tap on ‘Password change / forgotten’


Swift mobile app login screen screenshot with 'Password change / forgotten?' option


  1. Enter the username linked to your account and tap OK



  1. Follow the instructions in the email you then receive

Amends to Your Direct Debit or Users

Changing / Cancelling Direct Debit

If you need to change your bank details, or wish to cancel a licence, please contact us or get in touch with your Dictate.IT contact.


Adding and Removing Users

Annual licences are required for each clinical user of Live and Swift.

If you wish to add a new user, or remove an existing user, please contact us or your get in touch with your Dictate.IT contact directly.

Secretaries: Primary Care (integrated and non-integrated)

Overview of the Swift workflow


  • Author dictates letter via web portal (or app)
  • Letter s automatically uploaded & speech recognised
  • Audio & speech-recognised-text available to secretarial team to review & edit
  • Secretarial team copy and paste text into usual letter process (Word, Clinical System, etc.)
  • Author review process carried out in the usual way i.e. not via the Swift web portal



Get started with the Swift web portal


  • If you want to use a foot pedal and the notification widget on any PC you would like to work from, Swift ‘Integration Broker’ desktop application must be running on your desktop. If you don’t have this installed on your PC, please ask your IT team to install it for you or contact your PM at the practice.
  • Go to the Swift web portal using Edge or Chrome https://dictateswift.co.uk
  • Enter your login details as provided by Dictate IT
  • Login to the web portal


Swift desktop logon screen



The ‘In Progress’ letter list


Swift desktop app in progress screen


  • Once an author has dictated a letter, it is automatically uploaded to the platform and available for you to review in the ‘In Progress’ list
  • If the GP/author has pulled patient details for the letter, the name, dob and NHS number fields will be filled. If the section is blank it means that the details have not been added; however identifiers will be dictated.
  • You will see all letters from your organisation – you are not linked to specific authors
  • Authors can optionally also see this list BUT they are told not to edit the letters or change their status


Swift desktop app screenshot of In Progress screen with 3 jobs 'To Review'


  • You can filter and search the list using the controls at the top. Your selection is retained between visits to the portal
  • NHS Number is optional for authors to add, you can also add it if you’d like
  • Some columns can be hidden if not relevant (e.g. NHS No.)
  • Jobs will usually take less than 1 minute between upload and being ready for you to review
  • The list is sorted with most urgent and oldest jobs at the top
  • If a job has been at ‘audio capture’ for a long time, this may indicate the author has forgotten to press ‘Complete’
  • Jobs being looked at by other users are locked from editing. The user’s name is shown in the ‘padlock’ column. You can alternatively lock a letter for when you leave your computer to indicate you will be working on the letter. This can be done by clicking on the Lock button.



The letter page


Swift desktop app screenshot of the letter page


  • The speech recognition draft MUST be reviewed against the dictated audio
  • Double check the patient identifiers have been recognized correctly
  • The speech recognition is verbatim so will include any mistakes made by the author, and not include punctuation unless they dictate it
  • Play the audio using the buttons, keyboard shortcuts or a foot pedal (if plugged in and the ‘Integration Broker’ is running)



Speech draft text



  • The speech recognition should be very accurate (95-99%) BUT there will be errors in most drafts
  • Audio & dictation quality has the biggest impact on recognition quality
  • If there are words that ALWAYS recognize or format incorrectly, let us know at support@dictate.it
  • Once you are happy with your text edits, copy the text and paste into the letter ‘destination’ (Word, SystemOne, etc.)
  • Click ‘Complete’ once you have finished – this will move the job to the ‘Completed’ list





Swift desktop app screenshot of rewind / play / fast forward controls

Swift desktop app screenshot of complete / lock / see original SR / Print / letter history / edit notes / delete actions


You can edit;

  • NHS No. (or leave blank)
  • Job priority


You can also:

  • Change the playback speed
  • Lock the letter (it does this automatically while you are viewing it)
  • View the original speech draft
  • View the letter history
  • Add Notes



The ‘Completed’ letter list


Swift desktop app screenshot of 3 letters, 1 of which is greyed out


  • Completed jobs are available in Swift for 6 months after the completed date
  • The list is sorted with most recently completed at the top


Swift desktop app screenshot of the letter page


  • Completed jobs can be Uncompleted if need be
  • The ‘Job History’ function shows you who completed a job



The ‘Notification widget’


If you choose to display the notification widget, it will show you how many outstanding letters are in Swift at the moment and what priority they are. To enable the widget:

  • Right click on the Swift icon on your desktop tray and select ‘Show/hide new letter status widget’


Screenshot of a desktop menu bar with a Dictate.IT Swift icon and a menu open, with 'Show/hide new letter status widget' highlighted


The widget will now be displayed as per the screenshot below; this means that you do not have to keep the Swift website open at all times as you will be notified of any new letters that have come in via this option.


Screenshot of the Dictate.IT Swift notification widget with a red circle with a 1 in it and 'Urg.' next to it